Vince Offer would be proud |
May 1, 2014 |
Rhizza from Baton Rouge , LA United States
Backstory: Picked this up when I saw the big sale announcement on VaporJoes the other week. This isn't something I would have tried as a new vaper, but having tried multiple dessert flavors that impressed me I gave it a shot. Observations: On the inhale I mostly notice the mint, not too strong and not too "pure" due to the cream. On the exhale the mint takes a backseat to the smooth creamy flavor. The cream flavor is almost on par with that found in flavor's by Suicide Bunnies - a high compliment in my book - buttery and smooth, not too rich. The first time I tried it, I only vaguely remembered the description, and that left me a bit puzzled, but not dismayed. The more I sit here vaping it, the more it grows on me. Not an ADV for me but something I see msyelf dripping or putting in one of my backup cleraomizers.
Specs: Coil: Dual coil 28ga A1 Kanthal at around .6 ohms Wick: cotton RDA: Omega clone Mod: Maraxus Clone @ 3.9V (recent-ish reading) Pull: Mouth to throat
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